Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Adidas Running Supernova Riot 3m

Item: Adidas Running Supernova Riot 3m (image source)

So I keep telling myself that I need to get back into shape. Last year I bought a really nice hybrid bike in hopes of getting my cardio back. That same bike currently sits in a corner all by it's lonesome with two flat tires while collecting dust. There are 2 reasons that. The first reason is that there are a lot of hills with steep inclines where I live and I am much too out of shape to tackle those slopes in my current condition. The second reason is that I don't want to end up in the hospital due to some reckless driver not paying attention along these steep roads.

The next best alternative to biking.. Running! The Adidas Running Supernova Riot 3m have some pretty stellar reviews. From what I've read, they are comfortable shoes to run in and they are very durable so they should last a long time. I've also been a fan of Adidas shoes and I think these are stylish looking. With summer just around the corner, I might have to pick up a pair of these soon.

Itch reliever: Guinness Draught

I love drinking Guinness beer but I have never heard of mixing beer with desserts until I stumbled across Guinness Storehouse where they showcase Guinness Chocolate Mousse. This is something I gotta try!


  1. This is something you should definitely look in to! A wise investment, indeed. However, when was the last time you ran? You may want to also invest in getting your running gait analyzed. Experts will observe you while you walk and run, using their keen eyes, as well as advanced equipment, and can determine your running style and what shoe best fits. While you're likely not going to be running any marathons soon - getting your feet evaluated can save your ability to walk/run. Trust me when I say that. The shoe you buy is as important as the food and nutrition you provide your body. The shoes may feel good walking around in the store, but they may not be the perfect fit for long. Running is a whole different story. Your putting all the pressure on your feet and your joints. Improper footwear can lead to visits to the doctor to figure out why you're suddenly experiencing acute pain in your knees. Do a little research on it! Once you find your ideal shoe, run to your heart's content! Start with some light jogging and work your way up to that ideal pace.

    Good luck!

  2. Nice and informative comment, Jesse! You are absolutely correct about knowing your exact foot type. Aside from seeing a foot expert, one can also perform what is known as the "wet test". This will help you determine if your feet have a normal, high, or low arch.

  3. Definitely a great test, however, running gait is actually the analysis of your movement. From head to toe, your body has a running style. I won't go in to detail here, but LIVESTRONG has a great article on it. Check it out!

