Sunday, April 8, 2012

Apple iPad 3

Item: Apple iPad 3 (image source)

One of my most recent purchases was an iPhone 4s. Sorry, I couldn't hold back the temptation on making this purchase. Prior to this phone was a Samsung Galaxy S and I must say that I prefer iOS 5 over Android. The overall robust feeling of the phone and the smoothness of the OS makes me say this was a smart buy.

What else could anyone want with such a great smart-phone you ask? A larger screen.. which leads me to the Apple iPad 3. I have friends who have the iPad 2 and I'm getting mixed results. Some love it so much, they do not intend on upgrading to the iPad 3. Others have sold theirs stating the iPad 2 lacks certain features when it comes to being a tablet. I, for one, would love to have one of these!

I would love to hear more comments on this product from anyone who has owned one or is in the market for buying one.

I got my money on Jones but Evans is no slouch. After all, Evans used to reign as Champion and would love to have the title back! I think this is a great match-up for MMA fight fans!


  1. I think for anyone that doesn't have an existing tablet, the new iPad is a no brainer. Someone who currently owns an iPad 2 will see negligible gains aside from the screen. The performance of the A5X chip in the new iPad over the iPad 2's A5 chip is substantial, but only in next generation applications that will utilize its beefed up processing power. Current applications aside from those marketed towards the new iPad will see no benefit. Get the new iPad!

  2. I would deffinitly choose the ipad 3 over the 2. The new iPad 3 has a faster chip sporting the A5X, higher resolution, 5mp camera, 1080p HD video and if you plan on getting it with Verizon or AT&T service you can get it with 4g. The iPad 3 is deffinitly a better buy.

    My money on Jones.

  3. @GaspItsJesse and @Leslie New - Thank you both for commenting! I see that you both recommend the iPad 3 over the the iPad 2 as it has more to offer in terms of better technology and hardware. This is all the more reason for me to pursue this desire to purchase the iPad 3. The temptation is definitely still present but for now, I must hold back.

  4. If I had to describe the Jones vs. Evans fight in one word, it would be DOMINATION !!
