Monday, April 23, 2012

The JackRack

Item: The JackRack (image source)

I really enjoy watching MMA sporting events. It's very exciting and entertaining and when amongst friends, MMA is a topic we love to have conversation about. Recently while watching a past event that was being broadcasted on Spike Television, there was a commercial that really sparked my attention. It was a commercial that was endorsed by Chuck "The Iceman" Liddell - the former UFC LHW champion. In this commercial, Chuck was advertising a product called The JackRack. The JackRack is a piece of fitness equipment that can be used at home to exercise and work out with that targets just about every muscle group. The best part about this home gym I really admire is the fact that it can be stored away under your bed once your workout is complete. The transitions from one position to another also looks like it can be done with ease which makes it very user friendly.

Sure, most of the videos on their website show professionals that are really ripped and are in great shape. I wouldn't expect to have chiseled muscles after daily 15-minute workouts, but I would expect to have nice, defined, and toned muscles. I find The JackRack to be very appealing and I love the fact that it comes with a 30-day money back guarantee. 

Art can be described as anything that one can imagine. Klaus Pichler is a photographer and has recently showcased a project called One Third. In this portfolio, Klaus portrays decomposing foods as works of art. These pictures are very stunning and a lot can be said about the content that is articulated in the photographs.

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